No Longer Supplied but Still Supported

Info-in-Images has become a firm favourite with researchers and collections managers around the world when forming digital archives of slide collections.
The systems are based upon high quality optical microscopes with motorised stage and focus movements.
The images are captured and subsequently stitched and stacked together using sophisticated software within a stand-alone PC.
The key components and functions have now been integrated into a desktop unit A-DS, that provides more convenient sample handling and an optional automated slide loader A-DS/SL.
The operation is more automated for greater slide throughput and forms part of a local network.
Our New Compact Automated Slide Scanning System, C-SD, provides a low cost cloud-based solution for digitising slides. The technology, which can be connected to a network, provides the ability to share images with colleagues or for archiving.
Manual and Semi-Automated Stitching and Stacking from our C-SD range can also applied to existing optical and stereo microscopes using camera and software configurations.
Info-in-Images has developed new AI-based software for the automated analysis of samples such as pollen, spore, micro-plastics and fibres.

Info-in-Images supplied MICRO-I video microscopes to numerous institutes in Europe over the last 5 years.
The previous technology has now been superseded by our New PU-VM system.
The new systems offer more than just a visual display using HDMI output, but a more compact footprint and both transmitted and Reflected Light Illumination

Info-in-Images have supplied many Discovery Microscopes around the world, in particular within the UK and Europe.
This microscope is proving reliable due to its rugged design and manual operation.
Discovery continues to be supported by Info-in-Images, as spare parts and knowledge are retained, many of which are in stock.
The video technology has now been superseded by our New PU-VM systems.
The new systems offer more than just a visual display using HDMI output, but a more compact footprint and both transmitted and Reflected Light Illumination

Info-in-Images has supplied many AVM Video microscopes to museums and research institutes in the past 5+ years.
Dedicated video microscopes provide ease of use with a concentration on measurement and production oriented capabilities. Now with the new AVOM system a combination of advanced optical and video technologies are simultaneously employed to deliver the highest quality displayed and captured images.
With a total zoom magnification range of 8x - 400x (Optical zoom ratio 12.5:1), camera resolutions up to 20 MPixels and Ultra-high performance PlanApochromatic lenses, images can be displayed and captured in previously impossible detail.
Remote operation, image stacking and mosaic imaging is also possible using the accessories shown in our M-POS Micropositioning and M-SD Automated Digitisation sections.

Info-in-Images have supplied customised MS Multispectral Scanners to clients around the world.
The technology has advanced with more compact and affordable designs that form part of an integrated cloud work space.
Applicable to Documents, Artworks, Wall Painting. Small and portable, the system is can be used on-site for wall, floor and ceiling locations.
It can even be applied to microscope-level imaging.
The New Spectral imaging solution includes a set of compact Multi-source illuminators.

Info-in-Images have supplied numerous P-OM microscope around the world.
The design is quite unique and its manufacture has ceased following the sad death of its designer and manufacturer.
We are therefore unable to supply further P-OMs !
We will try to find an alternative system to satisfy our client needs. As soon as we have found and tested a suitable solution, we will announce this on our website.

Video Display Technology Advances at a Rapid Rate and most of our clients sources their own displays locally.
We have decided to refer any client requiring such waterproof display to the specialist manufacturer.
Info-in-Images can supply a full range of displays suitable for 'normal' working environments.